Thursday, 24 December 2009


If you keep returning daily to this bog site...please leave some feedback andlet us know how the show is looking! Thanks!

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

New Year's Eve Series Premier!

Come meet some of the cast and crew and ring in the new year! Kennedy's Nightclub in Longview, Washington. Doors open at 8PM. Premier at 9PM. $10 cover charge.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

A partnership with the first location!

If your from the southwest Washington might recognize a certain place in the first few episodes of the show. The one and only "Kennedy Night Club" located in Longview, WA is serving as a gaggle of locations under one roof!

Every hero has a base. The Punisher...Iron Man...the X-Men. Kennedys will be setup to be the armory for the show's leader and anti-hero...Jack Denton and for a bit as the refugee camp for survivors during the apocalypse. Expect to see lots of weaponry and cool gadgets!

Look for a local premier of the show in the coming weeks at the night club as well!

Thursday, 17 December 2009

More artwork!!!!

More posters from our wonderful art department and the first "real" look at the anti-hero of the show played by Justin Rister. Andrew Garrettson, Lauren Lattin, Jamie Gurrad, Annie Bardonski, David Townsend, Macquenzie Flock, Michelle Lummus, and Philip Delorenzo round out the rest of the cast. Christopher Eaves promises to deliver a skull fracturing take on the "zombie genre" by incorporating severe originality along with pulse pounding action and beautiful special effects. "It's crazy because no one else is doing anything really like this on the web right now. Aside from a few failed zombie series that seemed to come and go with the exception of the great American Heart, this show puts a viewer straight into action from the moment go and never lets up. Blood flies and devastation is everywhere. It's awesome!" says Rister. Look for the show to drop this next month with a special premier in Portland, Oregon at the Hollywood Theater.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

The teaser posters have arrived!!!!

The new posters have arrived as of this morning showcasing some tidbits about the show. You also have a first look at one of the main characters. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Blood, gore, and the best upcoming web series around!

Here's a tease folks at some shots from the new show! Stay tuned! It's coming soon!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Viral Teaser up today!!!

The viral teaser is now available at the Deathdealers Myspace.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009


We have gathered some amazing visual effects packages together. What does that mean? It means you will be seeing some major explosions, battles, and much much more! You'll also be hearing an amazing epic musical score! Hmm....that wasn't meant ot rhyme...but it worked!

Saturday, 31 October 2009

The girls of the apocalypse!

Here are some of the ass-kicking ladies you'll be seeing in the upcoming series! From top left to right and down: Lauren Lattin, Michele Lummus, Annie Bardonski, and Jamie Gurrad.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Official Myspace fan site is here!!!!!

Go add Stay updated there as well!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

And they come.....

Pictures from filming.

Filming has been underway for over a month now. We have an amazing crew on board. Christopher Eaves is helming the project. The full cast will be announced soon! For now check out these lovely pics from filming!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

New blogsite! Welcome!

Welcome to the new blogspot for the new series "Deathdealers". Here you will find all information pertaining to the show, it's cast, and news.